The European Ladybird Survey aims to encourage the recording of ladybirds across Europe. Over the coming years we hope to extend the app and associated website to include all European countries. We are excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with you all in mapping the distribution of ladybirds at this large scale. Over time the information gathered will be used in many different ways to assess the status and trends of European ladybirds.
Please do get in contact via e-mail if you any comments or feedback on the European Ladybird Survey at ladybird-survey@ceh.ac.uk
Thanks to the Centre of Ecology & Hydrology and Anglia Ruskin University (Faculty of Science & Engineering) for work and financial support.
We hugely appreciate the contributions of Karolis Kazlauskis (developing the app and recording pages); Biren Rathod (developing the website) and Charlotte Johns (general support).