Czech Republic


Ladybirds in the Czech Republic


Alois Honěk (

A. Honěk occupies a research position at Crop Research Institute, Prague (Czech Republic). His interests are shared between ecology of insects and plant protection. His studies concern biology of aphids and their predators (mainly Coccinellidae), insect-plant relationships, malacology, plant science and thermal biology of ectotherms.


Jiří Skuhrovec (;

J. Skuhrovec works as researcher/entomologist at Crop Research Institute, Prague (Czech Republic). His studies concern biological control, invasion ecology, ecological entomology (temperature effects on development), biology and morphology of immature insect stages and taxonomy of Curculionidae.


Zdenka Martinková

Z. Martinkova occupies a research position at Crop Research Institute, Prague (Czech Republic). She is a specialist in plant ecology and weed science (seed predation), further involved in research of tritrophic plant-aphid-predator interactions.



Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (

Oldřich Nedvěd ( ;

O. Nedvěd studies insect ecophysiology, invasion ecology and all aspects of biology of Coccinellidae, including identification of Palaearctic species.

Function of Invertebrate and Plant Biodiversity in Agrosystems in Crop Research Institute